➮ General Info
- 38+ Custom Dungeons, most handmade by our own staff!
- 10K+ Dungeon mobs to fight!
- 200+ Challenging dungeon bosses and minibosses!
- 100+ Randomized world events and world bosses
- 8 in game days for a customized Lunar Events providing unique challenges and rewards!
➮ Depth & Quality of Life
- Custom Instancing Setup: You will never run out of dungeon content because it is cleared or occupied!
- Custom Coded RPG Stats plugin with special accessories and bonuses on gear!
- Custom Skins, Models, Boss Powers, and Environments for originality!
➮ Planned/WIP Features:
- Custom Classes, allowing players to unlock more abilities and spec certain paths to make combat more interesting
- Custom Pets, providing combat bonuses and status effects
- Custom Turrets, providing defense against the Lunar Events at players’ bases
- 13+ Mob Arenas with 30 waves each and unique bosses/rewards throughout
This documentation is a work-in-progress. There may be errors or typos in the guides, however we're constantly working to improve them.
⭐ Contents
- Summary
- Servers
- Help